ScienceSaurus (green)
Student Edition, Grades 6-8
Great Source Education Group, A Division of Houghton Mifflin Company © 2002
Concept Development, Instructional Design, Standards Correlations, Project Management, Outlining
and Book Mapping, Developmental Editing, Production Editing, Art Development and Review
Worked with client to conceptualize the Grade 6-8 ScienceSaurus book. |
Helped to develop the TOC based on a review of state and national science standards. |
Created book maps and outlines for the Scientific Investigation, Life Science, Physical Science, Natural Resources and the Environment, and Yellow Pages sections of the book. |
Provided developmental editing and art development/review for the Scientific Investigation,
Life Science, Physical Science, Natural Resources and the Environment, and Yellow Pages
sections of the book. |
Processed all rounds of page proof for the Scientific Investigation, Life Science, Physical Science, Natural Resources and the Environment, and Yellow Pages sections of the book. |