Science House Publishing

ScienceSaurus (blue)
Student Edition, Grades 4-5

Great Source Education Group, A Division of Houghton Mifflin Company © 2005

Concept Development, Instructional Design, Standards Correlations, Outlining and Book Mapping, Writing, Developmental Editing, Art Development and Review


Worked with client to conceptualize the Grade 4-5 ScienceSaurus book.

  Helped to develop the TOC based on a review of state and national science standards.
  Created book maps and outlines for the Doing Science, Physical Science, Natural Resources
and the Environment, and Science, Technology, and Society sections of the book.
  Provided developmental editing and art development/review on the Doing Science,
Physical Science, and Natural Resources and the Environment sections of the book.
  Wrote the Science, Technology, and Society section of the book.